The new Altimax G4 USB Connector is an extension of the Altimax G4. It offers slots for USB connection, LCD terminal and micro SD card and is plugged into the new communication socket of the Altimax G4.
It allows direct connection to the PC via USB. No RS232 or USB-serial adapter is necessary.
It is also possible to connect the LCD terminal to the new Altimax G4, and to update the software via micro SD card, a socket for which is provided.
The software update can thus be done very easily in seconds, and can also be carried out in the field without a PC if necessary.
The new connector also fits Altimax G2 and G3, has its own connector on board for this purpose and thus enables data connection via USB with these altimeters!
The connector is only 42x18mm small and is plugged directly onto a USB cable. The connection to the Altimax is established by simply plugging it in. The connector has 2 LEDS for sending / receiving, so you can easily see if something is "happening" on the connection or not. The adapter is integrated as a COM port in Windows, the software then accesses this virtual COM port. The connection IC is an FTDI FT232RL, which allows very reliable connections.